Howard Wiener 6040


re going to talk about it, I‘ll talk about it. [laughing] I was 15 and I had a paper route. I had a friend who was a year older than I, and he had a paper route. I was a little bit envious of him, and I thought, ―Gee, maybe I can do that.‖ So I went to the Providence Journal and I asked for a paper route. They said, ―Well, we don‘t have any, but we have a route that‘s been abandoned; it‘s a little bit bigger than what we usually give to a 15 -year-old, but if you want it, you can have it.‖ So I said, ―Sure.‖ So I had a paper route, and I had a job at a local grocery store. I worked there on Saturdays and during the summer. And then I worked at a local department store, and then I worked at a local clothing store. So I was able to pay for my college education. California Appellate Court Legacy Project – Video Interview Transcript: Justice Howard Wiener [Howard_Wiener_6040.doc ] Transcribed by Tech-Synergy ; proofread by Lisa

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