Judith D. McConnell


push" attorneys to settle cases, one interviewee said. "He is not a judge who is going to try to force a settlement on you," the attorney said. Proclivities All of the attorneys who were interviewed about Judge McCormick said they thought he was impartial. "I think he is a very fair judge," said one. Another said, "I think he is very fair and impartial. I think he is a good judge." A third said, "I think he is fair. I think he is impartial. I think he is very even-handed. He doesn't have a pro-prosecution or pro-defense attitude." A fourth said, "I think he is fair. I don't think he is biased in any way." Summary Additional comments included: "He is a very good listener"; "He is very patient"; "He is very organized"; "He is very efficient"; "He is very articulate"; and "He is very knowledgeable." (OLE)

Judge Kevin J. McCormick is a judge of the Superior Court in Sacramento County. He is praised for his pleasant demeanor and extensive knowledge of the law. Attorneys who have appeared before him have mixed opinions on his rulings on motions, with some saying they are biased in

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