Extensions of Time

Stipulation for Extension of Time – Civil (APP-01)


* This form is a stipulation for extension of time to file briefs in a civil case.
* The parties and/or their attorneys are stipulating to an extension of time for the following briefs:
* Appellant's opening brief (AOB) by a period of ______ days, so that the time to file the AOB is extended to ______ days from the filing of the record on appeal/designation of record per rule 8.124; or current due date.
* Respondent to file their brief (RB) by a period of ______ days, so that the time to file the RB is extended to ______ days from the filing of the AOB.
* Appellant to file their reply brief (ARB) by a period of ______ days, so that the time to file the ARB is extended to ______ days from the filing of the RB.
* Each attorney signing this stipulation on behalf of a client certifies that a copy of this stipulation has been delivered to the client.

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