Art W. McKinster
Associate Justice
Division Two
Since 1990
NAME: Art W. McKinster
POSITION: Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District, Division Two
Married to a retired special education teacher. Two adult daughters
- Juris Doctorate Degree, University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
- Bachelor of Science Degree with honors in Business Administration, University of Southern California.
- Deputy District Attorney, San Bernardino County. Trial lawyer prosecuting major felony crimes including numerous homicides.
- Supervising Deputy District Attorney, San Bernardino County. In charge of operations for the Central Municipal Court District and four Justice Courts.
- Chief Deputy District Attorney. In charge of the Ontario and Chino offices, supervising 22 attorneys and the secretarial and clerical staff.
- Judge, San Bernardino County Municipal Court.
- Judge, San Bernardino County Superior Court. Served as Presiding Judge of Juvenile Court for 2 years.
- Associate Justice, Fourth Appellate District, Division Two. Nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Commission on Judicial Nominees.
- Served as an Associate Justice, pro tempore, California Supreme Court.
- California District Attorneys Association.
- California Judges Association.
- San Bernardino County Bar Association, presently an honorary member.
- California Commission on Judicial Performance, served as Presiding Master in the Commission's inquiry into allegations of ethical misconduct by a Superior Court judge.
- Judicial Council's Task Force on the Appellate Process, member.
- Judicial Council's Library Technology Committee, past member.
- University of La Verne College of Law, Judge, moot court competitions.
- Instructor in criminal law and procedure, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Academy.
- Ontario Rotary Club, member and vice-president.
- Home of Neighborly Service, a community service organization, board member.
- San Bernardino Valley Community Concert Association, board member and vice-president.
- San Bernardino City Commissions: Bureau of Franchises, member; Animal Advisory Commission, member.
- Pacific High School, San Bernardino, California, Coach of the mock trial team.
- San Bernardino County Mock Trial Finals Competition, Judge.
- Lay Person of the Year, Phi Delta Kappa educational fraternity, award for contributions to youth education.
- Tachikawa, Japan, Sister City Student Exchange Program, board member.
- Church: Administrative Council, present chair; Endowment Fund, past chair; Staff Relations Committee, past chair; Finance Committee, past chair.
- ROTC military science classes, University of California at Berkeley.
- Commissioned, second lieutenant U.S. Army Reserve, Field Artillery. Captain, 426th Civil Affairs Company, Upland, California, 8 years’ service.
- Judge Advocate General's School, University of Virginia. Branch transfer to JAG Corps after completion of studies.