Oral Argument Webcasts - 4DCA Division 1

The Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District provides live webcasts of Oral Arguments. This page, in addition to calendar information provides access to upcoming webcasts for Division 1.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I click to watch the webcast?

A few minutes before Oral Argument begins, a link called “View Oral Arguments” will appear to the right of the “Calendar” link for the event above. Note, if you do not see this link appear within the expected timeframe, you may need to refresh the webpage.

When I click to start the stream, I see a black screen, a still image of the court seal, or a message that a network error has occurred. Is something wrong?

Court may not have started yet, has paused for the lunch hour, or has ended for the day. You may also have a problem with your computer, Internet connection, or web browser. Trying a different web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) may help.

Is technical support available

We are unable to provide technical support for streaming.

How long will recorded webcasts be available on this webpage?

Court recordings are not part of the official record, so they are maintained for 6 months only.