Court-Appointed Counsel Program

The Court-Appointed Counsel (CAC) Program fulfills the constitutional mandate of providing adequate representation for indigent parties in the Courts of Appeal in noncapital cases. The Judicial Council of California staff works with nonprofit organizations ("projects") that recommend to the Courts of Appeal the appointment of private attorneys to represent indigent parties in criminal and juvenile matters.

Criteria for Placement on a Court of Appeal Indigent Defense Panel 

Judicial Council of California and Appellate Projects Attorney Information Sheet, Instructions and STD 204 form


CAC Electronic Transmissions

For Appellate Project Office Use Only. The following files provide specifications that Appellate Project Offices use to submit information to the Court Appointed Counsel (CAC) Program and reflect the most recent version of the specifications, ensuring that all parties are referencing current information:

CAC Archived Newsletters

CAC Update is a biannual newsletter produced by the Judicial Council of California for state court-appointed appellate counsel. Archived issues in Adobe Acrobat format can be found below.


Program Contact Information

Judicial Council Contact:

Marcela Eggleton, Manager
Judicial Council of California
455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA  94102
(415) 865-8780

First Appellate District

First District Appellate Project
1212 Broadway, Suite 1200
Oakland, CA 94612
Executive Director: Jonathan Soglin
Phone: (415) 495-3119
Fax: (415) 495-0166

Second Appellate District

California Appellate Project
520 S. Grand Ave., 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Executive Director: Jennifer Peabody
Phone: (213) 243-0300
Fax: (213) 243-0303

Third and Fifth Appellate Districts

Central California Appellate Program
2150 River Plaza Dr., Ste. 300
Sacramento, CA 95833
Executive Director: Monique Boldin
Phone: (916) 441-3792
Fix: (916) 923-9398

Fourth Appellate District

Appellate Defenders, Inc.
555 West Beech St., Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92101
Executive Director: Lynelle Hee
Phone: (619) 696-0282
Fax: (619) 696-7789

Sixth Appellate District

Sixth District Appellate Program
95 S. Market Street, Suite 570
San Jose CA 95113
Executive Director: Jonathan Grossman
Phone: (408) 241-6171
Fax: (408) 241-2877

The following appellate project handles capital cases:

California Appellate Project - San Francisco
345 California Street, Suite 1400
San Francisco, CA 94104
Executive Director: Joseph Schlesinger
Phone: (415) 495-0500