Judicial Externships - Division 3
Our externship application is available through CORA (Court Opportunity Recruitment for All), which is administered by the National Center for State Courts.
The Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District, Division Three offers an extern program for law students. Our externship application is available through CORA (Court Opportunity Recruitment for All), which is administered by the National Center for State Courts. General information about CORA and its online jobs portal is available here.
If you are interested in applying for an externship position, please use this link to access CORA’s online portal. Follow the portal’s instructions to create a user account. After you have created an account and logged into the portal, you can find our application listed under the California opportunities. Additional information regarding the externship program is contained on our application.
We typically post our application on CORA’s online portal several months in advance of the spring, summer, and fall externship periods. If you have any issues accessing or submitting the application, please contact 4d3externadministration@jud.ca.gov.