Carol A. Corrigan
Judicial and Professional Positions: Associate Justice, 1994 - Present (Appointed 1994; confirmed by voters, 1994). Judge, Alameda County Superior Court 1991-1994 (Appointed 1991; elected by voters. 1992). Judge, Oakland, Emeryville Piedmont Judicial District 1987-1991 (Appointed, 1987; elected by voters, 1988). Senior Deputy District Attorney, Alameda County 1985-1987; Deputy District Attorney, same county, 1975-1985.
Professional Activities: California Judicial Council, 1997-present. Judicial Council Task Force on Jury Instructions, 1997-present (Chair). Commission on Future of California’s Courts 1991-1994. Center for Judicial Education & Research, Governing Board, 1994-1997. President’s Commission on Organized Crime, 1983-1986. Special Consultant, President’s Task Force on Victims of Violent Crime, 1982. Adjunct Professor of Law: U.C. Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law, 1984-1987, 1990-1994; U.C. Hastings College of Law, 1981-1987, 1989; University of San Francisco School of Law, 1988-1990; University of Puget Sound School of Law, 1981. Faculty: California Judicial College, 1988-present; Continuing Judicial Studies Programs, 1989-present; National Institute of Trial Advocacy, 1981-present (Distinguished Faculty Award, 1997).
Community Involvement: Board of Directors: Holy Names College 1988-present (Chair, 1990-present); Saint Vincent’s Day Home, 1982-present (Chair, 1991-present); Goodwill Industries of the Greater East Bay, 1985-1989.
Education: B.A., magna cum laude, Holy Names College, 1970 (Student Body President, Founder’s Medal). J.D., Univ. of California, Hastings College of the Law, 1975 (Law Journal, Note and Comment Editor). Doctoral program, Clinical Psychology, Saint Louis University, 1970-1972.
Personal: Born: August 16, 1948, Stockton, California.