Ignazio "Nace" J. Ruvolo
Educational and Scholastic Achievement: A.B. Rutgers College, 1969; J.D. Magna Cum Laude, University of San Diego School of Law, 1972; Editor-in-Chief, San Diego Law Review, 1972; L.L.M. University of Virginia, 2004.
Judicial Positions and Assignments: Appointed Presiding Justice, First District Court of Appeal, Division Four, by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, confirmed by Commission on Judicial Appointments January 6, 2006; elected to an eight year term on January 2007. Appointed to the First District Court of Appeal, Division Two, by Governor Pete Wilson, confirmed by Commission on Judicial Appointments December 2, 1996; Appointed Contra Costa Superior Court Judge by Governor Wilson, January 6, 1994; elected to full term June 1994.
Judicial Activities and Associations: Commissioner, Commission on Judicial Performance May 2013-present; Member, California Judges Association, Judicial Ethics Committee, 1994-2001, 2009-2011, Vice-Chair 1999, Chair 2000-2001; Judicial Elections Committee, 1994-1995; American Bar Association, Judicial Division 1999-2003; Member, CJER Education Planning Committee 1996-2000; Member, Judicial Council Appellate Advisory Committee 1998-2001; Member, Judicial Council Task Force on Jury Instructions 1999-2004; Member, Judicial Council Advisory Committee on Civil and Small Claims Actions 2005-2007; Chair, First District Mediation Task Force and Committee 1998-present; Member, Robert G. McGrath American Inns of Court 1998-2001; Member, State Bar Commission on Revision of Rules of Professional Conduct, 2001-2010; Member, National Association of Women Judges, 1995-1999.
Professional Experience: Bronson Bronson & McKinnon, San Francisco and Walnut Creek, 1977-1994; Trial Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 1972-1977.
American Bar Association: Litigation Section; Committee on Professional Responsibility; Forum on the Construction Industry; Forum on Franchising Member; Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers.
State Bar of California: Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct, 1984-1989; Chair, 1988; Special Advisor, 1989.
Contra Costa Bar Association: President, Section on Professional Responsibility and Practice, 1991-1994; Member, Delegation to the State Bar Conference of Delegates, 1992-1994; Member, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee; Member, Women's Law Section, 1993.
San Francisco Bar Association: Member, Ethics Committee, 1979-present; Chair, 1983-1984; Chair, Elections Committee, 1984; Member, International Franchise Association.
Honors and Awards: Formal commendation from Director of the U.S. Marshal Service, 1977; Trial Judge of the Year, Alameda Contra Costa Trial Lawyers Association, 1996; Appellate Justice of the Year, San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association, 2002; Italian American Bar Association, Justice of the Year, 2005.
Teaching: Adjunct Professor, Hastings College of the Law, 1999-present; Adjunct Professor of Law, John F. Kennedy School of Law, 1998-2001; Seminar Leader and Faculty, California Judicial College, 1995-1996; Faculty member, Hastings Center for Trial and Appellate Advocacy, 1988-1994.