James R. Lambden

James R. Lambden

Associate Justice
Division Two
From 1996 to 2013

Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, First Appellate District, Division Two; appointed by Governor Pete Wilson, 1996.

Appointed Judge of the Alameda County Superior Court, July 1989, by Governor George Deukmejian. Partner, law firm of Fitzgerald, Abbott and Beardsley 1975-1989.

California State Bar Access to Justice Commission 1997; Chairman, Judicial Council Committee for Certification of Interpreters for the Deaf 1992-1996; Executive Board, California Judges Association 1995-1996; Faculty and Planning Committee, California Center for Judicial Education and Research, 1992-1994; Executive chairman, Alameda County Bar Association Foundation, 1986-1989; Board of Directors, Alameda County Bar Association, 1988-1989; California State Bar Joint Advisory Committe for Continuing Education 1988-1989; co-founder and counsel for Bay Area Center for Law and the Deaf (BACLAD) 1979-1982; Instructor of Law, Peralta Community College District 1980 (Lifetime Certificate.)

Admitted to California Bar December 1975; Hastings College of the Law, J.D., 1975; University of California at Berkeley, B.A. with Honors in Political Science, 1972; Sunset High School, Hayward, California.

Born May 4, 1950, Oakland, California