Justice Laurence D. Kay

Laurence D. Kay

Presiding Justice
Division Four
From 2002 to 2005

Justice Laurence D. Kay was born on January 18, 1937 in San Francisco, California. After graduating from the University of California, Berkeley in 1958, Justice Kay worked in the construction business in Southern California before studying law. He was admitted to the California Bar, Court of Appeal, Ninth Circuit, and U.S. District Court, Northern District, in January 1964. Justice Kay started his legal career in private law practice in San Francisco with Livingston, Grant, Stone & Kay, which eventually became Livingston, Stone, Kay & McGowanon when Isabella Horton Grant was appointed to municipal court. In 1981, he was appointed to the Municipal Court, San Francisco Judicial District, City & County of San Francisco by Governor Brown Jr. and elected in 1982. He was then appointed to the Superior Court, City and County of San Francisco by Governor Brown Jr. in 1983, confirmed by Commission on Judicial Appointments in 1984, and re-elected in subsequent elections. Justice Kay served as the Presiding Judge, San Francisco Probate Court from 1997 to 2000, the Presiding Judge of Superior Court from July 1, 1996 to 1997, the Presiding Judge, San Francisco Superior Court Appellate Division from 1991 to 1994, the Presiding Judge, Criminal Division from July 1986 to July 1988, and the Assistant Presiding Judge of Superior Court from July 1, 1995 to 1996. In 2001, Justice Kay was appointed to the Court of Appeal, First Appellate District, Division Four by Governor Davis and confirmed by Commission on Judicial Appointments. He has been honored with the "Trial Judge of the Year" award from the San Francisco Trial Lawyers in 1992. He has also been an active member of the California Judges Association since 1981, the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice from 1978 to 1981, the Bar Association of San Francisco from 1964 to 1981, the U.S.F. Chapter of American Inns of Court since 1997, and the National College of Probate Judges since 1998. Justice Kay has extensive experience teaching, lecturing, and participating in panel discussions. He has served as a faculty member teaching Computer Use for Judges and Three Strikes Sentencing for the California Judicial Education & Research Foundation, and he was a panelist for the Rutter Group program “The Evidence Master Series” in 1985. Justice Kay enjoys skiing, golf, and photography in his free time. He is married and a registered Democrat.

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