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This court order states that due to the COVID-19 virus, oral arguments at the Sixth District Court of Appeal will be conducted by video conferencing. Court proceedings will also be available to the public and press online, through a live webcast or video recording.
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Commencing November 2023, and continuing unless otherwise ordered by the court, the courtroom will be open to the public on a first come, first served basis. The public will continue to have access to oral argument via live streaming on the court’s website https://www.courts.ca.gov/11603.htm.
Regardless of vaccination status, all counsel and all members of the public who enter the courtroom are strongly encouraged to wear well-fitted face coverings. Counsel may, and are encouraged to, remove their masks when presenting argument.
No person shall enter the courtroom if that person (a) has tested positive for COVID-19 within the previous ten days; (b) has had close contact with a person confirmed to have COVID-19 within the previous ten days; or (c) has had a fever within the past 24 hours or has other symptoms consistent with COVID19.
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- Miscellaneous Order
The Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, has extended the deadline for delivering electronic transcripts for appeals pending in the court through April 1, 2023. This deadline was originally set for December 31, 2022. The exception to this extension is for appeals pending in the Los Angeles County Superior Court, which must still deliver their transcripts by December 31, 2022. The full text of the form is as follows: ``` IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SECOND APPELLATE DISTRICT MISCELLANEOUS ORDER 2023-01 Delivery of Transcript in Electronic Form; Exception for Los Angeles County Superior Court The court’s miscellaneous order of December 13, 2022, is modified as follows: The requirement under California Code of Civil Procedure section 271(a), for the delivery of an electronic reporter’s transcript for appeals pending in the Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, is extended through April 1, 2023. Dated: ______________, 2023 ______________________________ A d m i n i s t r a t i v e P r e s i d i n g J u s t i c e January 9, 2023 EMcClintoc Deputy Clerk ```
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- Miscellaneous Order
**The requirement to deliver an electronic reporter's transcript for appeals pending in the Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, is extended through July 1, 2023.** The exception is for appeals pending in the Los Angeles County Superior Court. For those appeals, the requirement to deliver an electronic reporter's transcript is extended through April 1, 2023. The order was issued on December 13, 2022, by the Administrative Presiding Justice of the Second Appellate District.
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- Miscellaneous Order
The Second Appellate District of the California Court of Appeal has issued a miscellaneous order stating that recently enacted laws effective January 1, 2022 may affect criminal judgments currently under review in this court. If an appellant believes that one of the newly-enacted laws may apply to their case, they may file a supplemental brief directed solely to the question whether they are entitled to relief under the new law(s). The supplemental brief must be filed within 20 days of this order. If a respondent has already filed a brief, they may file a supplemental respondent's brief within 20 days of the appellant's supplemental brief. If the appellant has already filed a reply brief, they may file a supplemental reply brief within 15 days after the respondent's supplemental brief. If supplemental briefing cannot be completed before a scheduled oral argument, either party may file a request for continuance of the argument pending completion of the supplemental briefing. If the matter has already been submitted, or an opinion has issued and the decision is not yet final, counsel who believes that one of the newly-enacted laws may apply to the case should contact the division clerk to inquire how to proceed.
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- Miscellaneous Order
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- Miscellaneous Order
This court order states that due to the public emergency created by the COVID-19 virus, oral arguments at the Sixth District Court of Appeal will be conducted by telephone instead of in person until further notice. The proceedings will still be open to the public and members of the press.
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This document is an order from the Court of Appeal of California's Sixth District to suspend oral argument sessions due to the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 virus. The suspension will remain in place until it is safe to resume normal procedures.
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This form relates to the Court of Appeal of the State of California. It states that oral arguments will be limited to 15 minutes per side starting on March 8, 2019, and that if a party wants additional time, they can request it and the Court may grant or deny the request.
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Starting on November 13, 2017, anyone who wants to add more information to a criminal or civil appeal must use a form called "Order Re: Augmentation" which can be found on the California court website. If you do not use the form, your request may be denied.
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This court order states that, as of February 26, 2014, any brief filed by a lawyer in a criminal appeal does not need to comply with a certain rule regarding material in a Probation Report. This could be important for high school students to know if they plan to pursue a career in law.
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This order states that the personal information of trial jurors, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers, must be kept sealed until further order of the court. It also outlines the procedure for an appellant to follow if they wish to unseal the juror identification information.
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- Miscellaneous Order