Rick Sims
Associate Justice, December 1982-September 2010
Born 12/3/43 Oakland, California; BA. Amherst College '65 (cum laude); J.D. Harvard Law School '68 (president of class).
VISTA Volunteer attorney ('68-'70); Assistant Executive Director San Francisco Committee on Crime ('70-'72); General Counsel, San Francisco Sheriff’s Department ('72-'73); Associate and Partner, Thelen, Marrin, Johnson & Bridges, attorneys ('73-'80).
Judge, Placer County Superior Court ('80-'82); Associate Justice, Third District Court of Appeal ('82-'10).
Adjunct Professor of Law, University of San Francisco ('72-'75); Chairman, Ethics Committee, California Judges’ Association ('86); member and Vice-Chairman, Governing Committee, California Committee on Judicial Education & Research ('90-'93); member, California State/Federal Judicial Council ('99-'01); Author, "Making and Opposing Defense Motions for Summary Judgment" ('02); "What Appellate Judges Do" (’06); "Making and Opposing Defense Motions for Summary Judgment" (’06); Eagle Scout.
Married to Linda Wallihan (04). Two children by a previous marriage.
Enjoys hiking, skiing, and gardening.