June 27, 2019

Recruitment: Appointed Counsel for Trial Court Capital Habeas Matters

The Third District Regional Habeas Counsel Committee invites qualified attorneys whose primary place of business is within the Third District to apply to be appointed counsel in capital habeas corpus proceedings in trial courts within the Third District. Appointed Counsel will be responsible for defending clients in habeas corpus proceedings related to death sentences in a superior court within the Third District. Responsibilities may include: building relationships with clients and their families; preparing and filing pleadings; analyzing and organizing evidence & other legal documents; following current developments in criminal law and procedure; working with other capital defense organizations in the state; and investigating and researching matters related to the case. Qualifications:In addition to the qualifications outlined in Cal. Rule of Court 8.652, the candidate’s principal place of business must be within the boundaries of the Third Appellate District.To apply:Please fill out form HC-100 “Declaration of Counsel Re Minimum Qualifications for Appointment in Death Penalty-Related Habeas Corpus Proceedings” and send it along with your resume to 3DCapHabeasCounselApps@jud.ca.gov as attachments.Not all qualified candidates will receive an appointment. Appointments will be made by the trial court, when need arises. If qualified, you may also be added to the statewide list of qualified counsel.