NOTE: Copy requests should be submitted in writing through email or postal mail.
PAYMENT TYPES: Cash, Debit/Credit, Money Order, or Check made payable to Court of Appeal.
5th District Fees
View video of oral argument on-demand (Oral Argument Webcasts) | Free |
Copy of oral argument recording | $20 |
Archived case preparation, record consisting of 1-5 volumes | $25 |
Archived case preparation, record consisting of 6-10 volumes | $50 |
Archived case preparation, record consisting of 11 or more volumes | $50 plus $5 per additional volume |
Copies: Certified (Gov. Code 68930) | $1 per certificate |
Copies: Per transcript - An electronic copy of an existing electronic transcript maybe sent via email (if it totals 25 megabytes or less) or duplicated on a court-provided USB device (flash drive). Mailing of the flash drive is included if requested. Fee is per transcript, regardless of page length or number of volumes. | $20 |
Copies: Per case - Electronic copies of existing electronic documents may be sent via email (if they total 25 megabytes or less) or duplicated on a court-provided USB device (flash drive). Mailing of the flash drive is included if requested. | $10 |
Copies: Paper copy (Gov. Code 70627(a)) | $0.50 per page |
Filings In Court of Appeal
Filing | Fee |
First document filed in a civil case by a party other than appellant/petitioner | $390 |
Petitions for Writ of Mandate, Prohibition or Certiorari (Gov. Code 68926 |
$775 |
Petitions for Writ of Review involving Agriculture Labor Relations Board (ALRB), Public Employees Relation Board (PERB), Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), or Public Utilities Commission (PUC) cases | $775 |
Petitions: for writs resulting from contempt proceedings, for writs of habeas corpus, for writs of supersedeas (if related notice of appeal has been filed), Petition to transfer (Rule 8.1006), or for writs of review in Workers Compensation Appeals Board cases | No Fee |
Filings In Superior Court
Filing | Fee |
Notice or Motion to Appeal - Civil (Gov. Code 68926, 68926.1(b), 5.180) (for each notice of appeal & cross appeal) CRC 8.100(b) (Check made payable to Court of Appeal) |
$775 |
Notice of Appeal - Criminal or Juvenile | No Fee |
Notice of Appeal in Conservatorship Proceeding (Rule 8.480) | No Fee |