Arthur Gilbert
Presiding Justice
Division Six
Since 1983
Presiding Justice, Court of Appeal, Second District Division 6, November 9, 1999.
Associate Justice Court of Appeal, Second District Division 6, Dec. 1982.
Los Angeles Superior Court, March 1980-1982, Assignments included Juvenile, Criminal, Civil and Law and Motion.
Los Angeles Municipal Court, 1975-1980.
- Outstanding Jurist Award, Los Angeles County Bar Assn. 2016.
- Journalism Excellence Award, Los Angeles Criminal Courts Bar Assn. 2015.
- "Award for Judicial Excellence," Beverly Hills Bar Assn. 2015.
- Keynote speaker, California State Bar Appellate Conference. 2011.
- Speaker, Bernard Witkin Lecture Series. 2010.
- Beacon of Justice Award, Los Angeles County Law Library. 2008.
- “Distinguished Speaker,” Stephen E. O’Neil Memorial Lecture Series, Loyola Law School. 2005.
- Faculty, Program for Serbian Judges, Prague, Czech Rep., "Judging in a Democratic Society." 2001.
- Judicial Council Kleps Award for Judicial Outreach Program. 2000.
- Appellate Justice of the Year 1997- Roger J. Traynor Memorial Award, Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles.
- Chairperson, Judicial Council Advisory Committee on Court Interpreters, 1991.
- Faculty, California Judicial College, Berkeley - California Center for Judicial Education and Research, 1978, 1986, 1987, 1988.
- Governing Committee - Center for Judicial Education and Research, 1978-1979, 1986-1988.
- Chairperson Appellate Courts Committee, California Judges Association, 1987-1988.
- Faculty - Continuing Judicial Studies, Program for Judges - 1980.
- Chairperson, Judicial Council Advisory, Committee on Legal Forms, 1978-1979.
- Lecturer - Judges College, Numerous Judicial Institutes, Bar Associations, Continuing Education of the Bar and Rutter Group.
- Panelist on Program for Russian Judges, Moscow, Russia. What is a Fair Trial? Program under auspices of Central and Eastern European Law Initiative (CEELI). Sponsored by American Bar Association - 1995.
- Judicial Excellence Award Criminal Courts Bar Association - 1994.
- Twice named "Appellate Justice of the Year" by California Trial Lawyers Association, now Consumer Attorneys of California 1993 and 1984.
- Distinguished Jurist Award Beverly Hills Bar Association - 1992.
- Guest speaker Budapest, Hungary -Symposium for Hungarian Judges on American Jurisprudence, sponsored by Hungarian Ministry of Justice and the Center for Democratic Legal Institutions - 1991.
- Bernard S. Jefferson Award for contributions to legal education by California Judges Association - 1987.
- Numerous articles and publications in professional journals including monthly column "Under Submission" for the Los Angeles Daily Journal.
- Private Law Practice, 1965-1975, Deputy City Attorney, City of Los Angeles, Trial Attorney in Criminal Division, 1964-1965.
- LLB University of California,at Berkeley, California, Boalt Hall, 19 6 0 - 1963.
- Bachelor's Degree - University of California, Los Angeles; Major in English Literature, 1956-1960.