Mediation Program

Request for Mediation Form
To provide parties the opportunity to participate in its Voluntary Settlement Conference and Mediation Program, a Request For Mediation is sent to appellant’s counsel in civil matters by the Los Angeles Superior Court, Civil Appeals Unit. Appellant must contact all parties to the appeal to determine if all parties agree to participate in mediation. Appellant’s counsel will request mediation only if all parties agree to mediation by sending the Request For Mediation form to the Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District at:

California Court of Appeal Mediation Program
300 South Spring Street North Tower, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Or return via e-mail to:

For decades now, the Second Appellate District has provided a mediation and settlement program with volunteers serving as settlement officers and/or mediators. Justices Fred Woods and Richard D. Aldrich spearheaded court-wide implementation of this program which was initially started by Justice Earl Johnson for Division Seven. The Second District, through collaborative efforts with the Los Angeles Superior Court and the Los Angeles County Bar Association, have created a way of providing and encouraging alternative dispute resolution for civil disputes on appeal.

Since the inception of the mediation program, over 4,000 cases have been mediated. The mediation program operates independently of the court, is completely confidential, and offered at little or no cost. Highly experienced, professionally trained individuals such as professional mediators, appellate specialists and retired jurists from a wide range of practices volunteer their services to the program. Click here for more information about the program.

What Every Lawyer Should Know about Appellate Settlement, article by Benjamin G. Shatz, certified specialist in Appellate Law in the Appellate Practice Group of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

Notice of Change to Compensation Policy (12/16/2014)
The compensation policy for Second District Mediators changed January 2, 2015.