Joan Dempsey Klein
Joan Dempsey Klein
Presiding Justice, Division Three
April 28, 1978 to December 30, 2014
Born August 18, 1924 in San Jose, California
Deceased December 24, 2020
LL.B., UCLA School of Law, 1955
B.A., San Diego State College, 1947
State Bar Admission: 1955
Presiding Justice, California Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, Division 3
April 28, 1978 to December 30, 2014, Appointed by Gov. Brown, Jr.
Judge, Los Angeles Superior Court
1975 to 1978, Appointed by election
Judge, Los Angeles Municipal Court
1963 to 1975, Appointed by Gov. Brown, Jr.
Deputy Attorney General, California State Department of Justice, Los Angeles, CA, 1955 to 1963
Founding President, California Women Lawyers
Founding President, National Association of Women Judges
CEB Program Lecturer, Conference of California Judges
Vice-Chair on Committee on Economy & Efficiency, Conference on California Judges